The International Organization of Experts
ORDINEX brings together experts, consultancies and professional organizations.
ORDINEX was founded in 1961. It is headquartered in Geneva with its Permanent International Secretariat General based in Paris.
Since May 20th, 1971 ORDINEX has been on the U.N. Economic and Social Council’s list of non-governmental organizations that have consultative status.
Its members come from every continent and professional category ranging from, international trade to anthropology, engineering, finance, health, fine arts, agriculture, architecture and the environment, among others.
ORDINEX operates within a framework of goals set by the United Nations. It gathers those people together who, within the expert field, work in partnership with the deciders in their country’s respective activity sector.
The goals and endeavors of Ordinex
With its international influence and sixty professional sections the Organization of International Experts has established the following objectives:
- to respond to the national and international demand for experts and consultants, from government institutions as well as from private companies
- to promote exchanges between experts and consultants, both within and outside their disciplinary fields
Within the world of expertise ORDINEX intends to be a partner for those individuals who oversee their respective country’s industry sectors. These experts form a pool of technical and human competences that can be tapped by governments, national or worldwide organizations, public or private companies and private citizens for expert-based assignments or mediation within specified domains, whether to legal or informal ends or within the scope of an audit.
Working to combination Experts , anxious to defend the quality of expertise, promoting exchanges and meetings between experts conferred with and Sisters from all walks of life.
Ensure the competence, experience level and independence of its members.
Promote its Code of Ethics through its members internationally.
Provide audiences nationally and internationally with a better understanding of its experts’ work and strategies and the services they provide, through negotiating and advising, among others.
Lobby on behalf of its members with national and international governmental bodies.
Our Code of Ethics
The International Organization of Experts safekeeps the integrity, independence and eminence of the title of Expert. ORDINEX organizes promotional campaigns with state entities and national and international associations accordingly.
All activities related to political, faith-based or race-oriented issues are wholly excluded from the endeavors or objectives of the International Organization of Experts.
While they come from different academic backgrounds and nationalities, members of ORDINEX have the same prerogatives, the same rights, and more particularly the same obligations.
Experts are solely responsible for the research and the projects for which they are the author. Their intellectual and work-related obligations are enforced by national or international regulatory bodies that are in place in the country in which they practice.
Experts deliver their expert studies solely on their own letterhead or that of their company. They cannot in any way whatsoever use ORDINEX’s letterhead or stamp to do so. ORDINEX therefore has no responsibility whatsoever should a conflict arise or in case this basic code of ethics is broken.
Any ORDINEX member found to be in violation of this basic rule will have their membership be revoked immediately.
Discover the world of ORDINEX's Experts

Pascal Martinaud
International President

Pierre-François Croze
Honorary President
Position coming soon
International General Secretary
Position coming soon
Position coming soon
Nomination Commission

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